Saturday, February 7, 2009


Everyone always told me that my wedding day would be the single most important day of my life. They said that it would be a day I would never forget. A day that I should not compromise for anything.

For a while, I bought their words. Having never before pictured my “dream wedding”, and having little-to-no advice on how to plan one, I was in a sort of sink or swim situation. In the end, the wedding was beautiful, the budget was way overshot, and the photos collect dust on the bookshelf.

All in all, it was an amazing day, but the people who told me that it was the single most important day of my life were wrong. The wedding was incredible, but the single most important day of my life is everyday that I wake up with my husband beside me. Everyday when he rolls over, tosses one arm around my midsection, and pulls me closer to him. Everyday when he cups my belly, with our growing child inside. Everyday when he launches himself out of bed to prepare my breakfast or my lunch, to carry my bags to my car, to kiss me good-bye before I head off to work.

Our wedding was simply the beginning.

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